I am continuing to make regular Rye bread, and this week a slight variation to the recipe - fennel seed, molasses, walnut plus mixed seeds. The aroma when slicing it up for the freezer was heavenly!
Also made some Granola bars this week. I try to convince myself they are healthy, but deep down I know they aren't really! See my recipe below, modified from an Ottolenghi cookbook, they are so good they never last more than about 24 hours in our house......

Oven 160c
45g Hazelnuts
45g dried apricots (chopped)
45g raisins
45g pumpkin seed/sunflower seeds
15g poppy seeds
190g porage oats
20g dessicated coconut
tsp cinnamon/mixed spice
pinch salt
optional - 50g choc chips dark/milk or white
95g unsalted butter/soya margarine (or 50/50)
85 g honey
95g soft brown sugar
1. Pour nearly boiling water to cover the raisins and apricots and leave for 15-30 mins
2. Line a 15-20cm tin with baking parchment
3. Mix together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl
4. Place the Butter/honey and sugar in a pan and bring to a low simmer, leave until a light brown colour, don't let it boil or darken much.
6. Leave to cool a little as they will be too soft when hot to cut up, divide and enjoy! Will keep for about a week - if you can save them that long!
You can pretty much use anything to make these bars, sometimes I use muesli instead of porage oats and any nuts go well in it - whatever is hanging around in the cupboard!
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